End of Day

Noelle Kukenas
Mar 27, 2022

My favorite time of day is dusk, twilight, eventide.

My favorite landscape is the ocean with a smooth sandy beach.

My favorite people include my son and his children, my grandchildren.

My favorite photo is one of my son with his son.

As the day comes to an end, a young father enjoys watching the sunset with his toddler, the sun dissolving into the watery horizon as waves gently roll back and forth on the shore, inching closer to their bare feet dusted with sand.

After hours of wading in the waves, digging in the sand for buried treasure, and several romps up and down the shoreline, both father and son welcome the peaceful nod of the end of a beautiful day, sharing a special moment together, one that was, thankfully, captured on camera, to be enjoyed for eternity.



Noelle Kukenas

Poet and writer of short stories, flash fiction, and essays. Beginning blogger at noellekukenas.wordpress.com.